President’s Message

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President’s Message
Dear members of our Society,
the practice of anatomic pathology has evolved since its birth following the work of Batista Morgagni about three centuries ago. Dr. Morgagni had only his eyes to grossly identify morphological changes and make associations with disease. The contemporary anatomic pathology practice is the outcome of vast advancements; from gross based diagnosis to tissue and cell-based diagnosis then to gene-based to specific protein-based diagnosis. The technological innovations are so remarkable that there is now an artificial intelligence helping pathologists in reaching to a diagnosis. Education and Research in Pathology has also leaped significantly. The end result of all this progress led to better health care delivery services and a healthier community on one hand and motivated and successful professionals on the other hand. The advance was particularly remarkable in the last century when diagnosticians and researchers were able to organize. Professional organizations had and keep on having invaluable role to play in the advances in medicine in general and in pathology in particular. Of these organizations, the contributions of College of American Pathologists (CAP) and American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) are notable for fostering and advocating excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide.
Ethiopian Society of Pathology (ESP) envisions and works towards advancements in the practice of pathology in Ethiopia through organizing platforms for education, experience sharing, and through promotion of researches and collaborations with stakeholders. In addition, ESP plans to design, and coordinate research and service projects that advance the profession and uphold the needs of the professionals, and ultimately the needs of the community.
We have now launched our official website ( which shall serve as an additional channel of communication for educational exchange, experience sharing, coordination of research and advocacy work. Currently, ESP is in the process of establishing the Journal of Ethiopian Society of Pathology (JESP) which will be a platform for communication and publication of scientific knowledge and relevant experience. Two clinical service projects and two research projects are also under development.
Ethiopian Society of Pathology aspires to become a national body for quality assurance and quality maintenance for all pathology laboratories in the country. On the same road, ESP aims to be recognized as a legal body for certification and continuous professional development of pathologists and related professionals.

I would like to emphasize that ESP’s success in achieving its missions depends on and requires the committed engagement of all of ESP’s members. It is a fact that we are consumed by the daily routine, and by the challenges of life thrown on to us; however, it is time that all members realize that we own ESP, and no one but you and I decide where our profession stands and where we want pathology in Ethiopia to be in the future.
It is great that the number of pathologists in Ethiopia has passed one hundred and is projected to double in three years. Working together, there is no challenge we can’t course through to take our profession in Ethiopia to where it should be.
We have a long way to go but we will certainly get there!

Let’s work together to Advance Pathology in Ethiopia!

Keep Safe and Healthy!

Melisachew Mulatu, MD
ESP’s President

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