Message from the Executive Council of ESP on COVID-19

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Dear Members of ESP,

We are in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic which is a systemic infectious disease with major involvement of the lungs and the heart. As of June 5th, the number of people who tested positive globally is nearly 6.8 million with fatalities close to 400,000 ( The current epidemiologic curve in our country is rising indicating that we are in the earliest phase of the outbreak with 1805 people testing positive and nineteen deaths reported on June 5th.

Unlike the rest of the world where clinical pathologists make invaluable members of the front-line health care team or anatomic pathologists get called to make morphologic diagnoses in special situations and/or conduct autopsies, the services of Ethiopian pathologists have not yet been required. Citing experiences from other countries, this situation will not stay the same. However, till that time, we need to engage with our health care system so that we will be able to identify areas where we can contribute in. Our expertise in analyzing disease will definitely have a positive impact in the handling of this outbreak. We need to look into areas in diagnoses, in leadership, in training of professionals and in research. Of course, educating about and being examples in following the flattening the curve strategies will also go a long way.

As this is a novel infectious disease, our knowledge of the disease is evolving, and we will avail updates on COVID-19 on our website.

Your society is committed to coordinating activities that are suggested by members; if you have ideas we can implement together, do let us know.


Together we shall make it through.

Keep Safe and Stay Healthy!


Executive Council of ESP

June, 2020

*cover picture from

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